It was three o’clock but Hassan was still in the TV lounge. When Imam Api saw him there, she got angry. You haven’t prayed for him yet. Except for one o’clock, the call to prayer is made and one or the other Lola prays at three o’clock with a lame excuse. If you forbid him, then the answer is that there is time till five o’clock. So you should perform all the prayers at the same time.
It was three o’clock but Hassan was still in the TV lounge. When Imam Api saw him there, she got angry.
“You haven’t prayed for him yet. Except for one o’clock, the call to prayer is made and one or the other Lola prays at three o’clock with a lame excuse.”
If you forbid it, explain it, then the answer is that there is time till five o’clock. If your bus leaves, then you should perform all the prayers at the same time. You don’t even have to perform Wudhu again and again. Happened
He said, “Just when this program ends at 3:30, I offer prayers.”
Imam Api went and complained to Raima Api. Raima Api said, “Okay, be quiet. If he comes to me after Asr prayers, I will explain to him.”
In the evening, Hassan Raima went to him and sat down and started taking out books.
Raima interrupted Hassan, “No, Hassan!” Today, instead of reading anything from the textbook, we will talk about practical life. Can you tell us why you don’t pray on time? ”
“Baji! Look, we have more work, we have hobbies.
So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with praying for them. ”Hassan replied.
Raima Api heard Hassan’s pause and after some pause said “Look Hassan! We pray for the closeness and love of God Almighty.
So when Allah Almighty has set a time for the prayer, does it make us want to turn away from that time. If a great person invites you to meet him, will you change the time given by him? Will you go from? No, no? So who is Allah Almighty? And when the muezzin gives the call to prayer, every Muslim repeats the same words and because of these words, the heart of the Muslim is enchanted with the love of God.
And if we perform prayers under the influence of this magic, then we will be able to perform prayers with humility and specialty. And how much time does it take to pray anyway? It is not a bargain at all.
If we perform the prayers at the appointed time every day in our life, then both this world and the hereafter will be enlightened. Therefore, we should offer the prayers at the appointed time. Anyway, you may have heard Biman saying, But if it is performed, it is the same prayer, and if it is performed without time, it is only a collision.
As Muslims, we should not fix the time of prayers according to our daily routine, but according to the time of prayer. Hopefully, you will not only try to understand my point, but also follow it. Will
Because knowledge is useless without action. ”
When Raima Apee was silent, Hassan went out of the room. Imam Apee saw Hassan Kar walking towards the gate and said, “Hey Hassan, where are you going?”
“Praying,” Hassan replied shortly. “But there is still time for prayer.” Imam Api looked at his watch and said, “Only five minutes.”