Amy! You cooked bhandi again today. I don’t like it at all. I want to eat biryani. Gulshan, 8, told my mother. Amy lovingly explained that her daughter had eaten biryani yesterday afternoon. How can she make biryani again today?
Amy! You cooked bhandi again today. I don’t like it at all. I want to eat biryani. Gulshan, 8, told my mother. Amy lovingly explained that her daughter had eaten biryani yesterday afternoon. How can she make biryani again today? Vegetables, fruits and pulses are also essential for health.
Gulshan made a bad face when she saw Bhandi and went to her room. The next day at lunch, when dal rice was made, Gulshan saw dal rice at Dastar Khan and started running away. Amy asked where are you going? Gulshan replied, “Amy, you know I only like chicken or meat.” Gulshan hurried out of the room.
The next day he made qorma and chicken pilaf for lunch. As soon as Gulshan came to his senses, he immediately ran to the kitchen and asked his mother what she had cooked today. There must be a chicken dish that smells so good.
Amy said, “Yes, daughter, today I have cooked chicken palao and qorma.
Gulshan began to say that Amy John should put on her handkerchief quickly. I can’t wait any longer. After that Gulshan ate with pleasure. At dinner on the same day, Gulshan’s mother made goat curry and invited Gulshan. The rest of the family was also present at the table.
Amy said Gulshan, look what I have cooked today. Gulshan smiled and said, “Amy, I like it very much. Gulshan ate and ate and slept.” When she came from Gulshan school the next day, her mother had already started eating. He told Gulshan to wash his hands and sit down to eat. Today I have cooked chicken biryani. Gulshan was not very happy to hear that there is chicken in the food but he ate the food.
At night, Gulshan’s mother cooked the curry again. Now Gulshan’s courage was answered. She said to her mother, “I am tired of eating chicken. When will you make lentils or vegetables?” Gulshan’s mother said, Chicken should not be eaten. Right now, I have been cooking chicken daily for only two or three days and you are tired. Eating chicken all the time not only makes a person tired but it is also not good for health. We should eat a balanced diet.
Gulshan said, “Amy John, I understand now and in the future I will also eat vegetables and pulses and keep my diet balanced.” Gulshan’s mother was very happy to hear this and said well done daughter.