Save the date wedding cards are a contemporary yet practical way to let your friends and family know about your big day. Moreover, they give your guests a chance to mark their calendars and some time to prepare for the wedding.
Save the dates wedding cards can be printed on paper or acrylic. Their design, color scheme, style, and theme are all up to you. Moreover, you can also order save the date cards online or print them at home. However, it is better to have acrylic cards printed by professionals.
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Are Acrylic Save The Date Cards Worth It?
Acrylic is a transparent plastic material with a stiff texture. It boasts outstanding strength and can be customized in lots of cute and fun ways. Acrylic invitations are a rage these days, with many people ordering them online for their weddings, business events, and other ceremonies.
However, you can also design them at home. However, online orders are far more convenient. Apart from their numerous pros, acrylic invitations are a little difficult to handle. For starters, they require a thick sock envelope, as acrylic corners tear through the standard paper envelope.
Moreover, despite their strength, thin acrylic invitations are prone to breakage during transit. So you have to go the extra mile and mail them in bubble carriers or cardboard packages. This also translates to more expenditure.
How To Choose Acrylic Save The Date Cards?
You must consider several factors when buying acrylic save the date cards for your wedding. The four most important factors are:
The thinner the card, the cheaper it is. Acrylic cards come in three thicknesses: 1mm, 2mm, and 3mm. 1mm acrylic cards are the most popular. They are of fairly great quality and can be customized in numerous ways.
Maling Fees:
Thicker save the date cards will call for more postage precautions and, hence, heavier on the wallet. Therefore, please choose a 1mm acrylic card if you want to conserve money.
Many couples fear that 1mm acrylic cards will not be as beautiful or impactful as weight ones. Their biggest concern is the shape and cut of the card. However, remember that apart from the difference in weight and thickness, both cards have the same printing quality.
Most couples like to customize their cards with wax seals, vellum wrap, and ribbon ties. If you use thicker cards, the overall cost becomes too high. Higher than a save the date card is supposed to be. On the other hand, thinner acrylic save the date cards are cheaper and provide a window for any embellishments that you might want on the card while keeping the overall price affordable.
What Should I Write On My Acrylic Save The Date Card?
The answer depends upon the size of your save the date card. However, if you have enough space, the four main things that should go on your card are:
Name of the bride and groom:
The bride’s name is written before the groom in most cases. Therefore, adhering to tradition, you must do the same. How you write the name depends upon you; you can either mention first names or write full names. Moreover, if both the future bride and groom have formal titles such as a doctor, military rank, etc., you can write them too.
The guest or guests:
Since this is not a formal invitation, you don’t have to go into full names and titles. But if that is what you wish, then there is no blame. Typically, the gentlemen are referenced before the ladies. But if this scenario does not apply to your guests, go in alphabetical order.
If you are inviting someone with kids, make sure you clear it on the save the date card whether kids are allowed or not. You can do so by mentioning each member separately or addressing the family as a whole, e.g., We cordially invite the Sander family to our wedding ceremony due in et cetera.
The date and venue:
The date is mandatory. The venue is not. Make sure to write the date clearly so the guests can schedule around it. As for the venue, it is up to you to mention it. It is fine if you do and fine if you don’t.