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Brands Can Rule the Market with positive customer reviews
With easy access to the web, people can now shop anything from anywhere. From chocolates to dental services, from booking cabs to buying a vehicle – the world is now a small place with one single market for all. You do not have to travel to stores. With just a click of a button, the smallest to the largest things can now be delivered right to your doorstep. The same goes for services. Be it assignment help and tutoring, or cleaning services, you get it all under one roof.
However, the only downside of online buying is that you do not get to toss and turn a product before buying it. That is where online reviews come in, for many students read Myassignmenthelp review. Today’s shoppers read at least ten customer reviewsbefore making a purchase decision. Therefore, you need online reviews to create a positive footprint on the web. But that’s not all when we talk about the benefits of garnering positive reviews.
On that note, here are six reasons why your brand needs good words from your consumers.
1. A defined social proof leads to more purchases
Would you buy from a brand that has a negative social footprint on the internet? Every person is likely to trust a brand that others trust, even if the people are strangers. This is why online reviews act as social proof for your brand. Once your brand has enough social evidence, the value and authority increase automatically. This, in return, impacts your sales positively.
So, encourage your customers to write reviews after they have purchased from your brand. You can even incentivise the process by offering a special coupon to customers every time they leave a review on your website.
2. Testimonials make your brand more visible
Most buyers take to Google and Bing to search about a brand. Millennials and Gen Z even use social media platforms to learn more about a brand. To gain better visibility and search ranks on these platforms, you need fresh and authentic content.
As per the indexing rules of most search engines, customer reviews are one of the best types of content to tick all the right boxes for the SEO algorithms. The more online customer reviews you have scattered on the web, the more visible you are to people. That means more visitors to your website.
3. More reviews make you reliable
When your brand like has a pipeline of positive online reviews, you can use it to build significant trust and brand value. Most buyers do not trust brands that have low ratings – anything below four out of five stars. Eventually, when people see others have trusted you, you will be able to convert traffic to sales.
Also, people talking about you isn’t enough. You do not want to start with bad publicity. So, make sure that your customers are talking positively about you. This way, you will get to gain average positive ratings despite a few negative ones.
4. Reviews make you a topic for conversation
So, how do you make people talk more about you? Set up brand accounts on various review aggregator sites to increase your multi-channel footprint. When people say good things about you on external reviewing websites like, Yelp, TripAdvisor or, your brand automatically becomes somewhat of a conversation starter.
The more people talk about you, the better your visibility gets. And when Google collects all this data from positive reviews, you get great results on search ranking. Besides, online reviews bring in organic search traffic.
5. Reviews lead to favourable buying decisions
Will you buy from a brand that has no previous buyers? Or, would you purchase a product with zero rev
iews? Whatever be the online platform, the first thing we check is reviews before we finally fish down our pockets.
When people learn about product features from others reviews, they trust the words more than any advertisements you post. This way, they finally make a buying decision, which favours a brand most of the time.
6. Reviews give consumers an open line
How do you know where your business lacks and what improvements they need? Whatever metrics you track, the best insights always come from the ones who use your products and services. Reviews give your customers a forum to be honest and say what they feel about your offerings and brand as a whole. This way, you can use the suggestions, preferences and criticism to improve your products and services.
When you improve the quality of your offerings, people automatically queue up to buy from you. Moreover, when you ask customers what they think about your brand and products, they feel valued and cared for.
Parting words,
Online reviews have the power to make or break your brand. Also, it is crazy how one negative review can mar the effect of ten positive ones in a moment. Now, you certainly aren’t going to garner positive reviews if your products don’t serve people’s needs. This is why the first step to take is to deliver perfect products and services. That way, no one will have bad things to say about your brand anyway.
So, make it a point to encourage your customers to leave honest feedback to start positive conversations about your brand.
Author Bio: Ricky is a marketing analyst and business keynote speaker associated with He is also an active blogger who dishes out expert tricks for entrepreneurs. In addition, Walters loves to read and watch movies.