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There is no more time to waste: summer is about to begin and the dreaded “swimsuit test” will come with it. In this article we want to give you five tips to follow to have a perfect body.
After the long winter months, the moment of truth could reveal a body that is not quite at the top. Do not worry, we just think that the time has come to get to work to find the right shape. How? Following five simple tips that will help us shine during the summer season.
Having great willpower
The first thing we need to reach our fitness goals? A remarkable willpower.
Yes, since the safest and most effective way to lose weight or have a toned body is to focus on a healthy diet and movement, and for this we must first of all change habits. Having the right determination and clearly focusing on the goal to reach requires a positive attitude and a lot of motivation.
So, before embarking on this path, let’s take some time to understand what our goal is and why we want to achieve it. Let’s write the motivation on a sheet of paper and hang it in a visible place: it will be our guide during the months to come.
Choosing the right activity
The second rule is to choose the right activity: the best workout for a beach body is the cardiovascular one, which can be done in the gym, at home, with or without tools. The important thing is to dedicate at least 20 minutes to this activity 3 or 4 times a week.
What if we spend a lot of time in front of a desk? We suggest taking a small fitness break every hour / hour and a half by doing some simple stretching and lengthening exercises or by taking a short walk.
Increase The Basal Metabolic Rate
Once we have embraced the movement of the mountain climber we can increase the speed of the exercise until the legs “ bounce ”, rather than moving them one at a time.
Strengthen and tone the muscles. Showing off the so-called “turtle” is not only appreciable from an aesthetic point of view. Lean muscle mass, in fact, is the tissue that burns the most calories: strengthening it through exercise therefore also means increasing the basal metabolism, as well as consuming energy during training.
It is therefore good to try to train each muscle group by doing 8 to 12 repetitions for each exercise. The ideal is to use a multifunctional tool such as UNICA at home or in the gym. If we don’t have time to go to the gym or at home we don’t have room for a professional equipment, we can also opt for a free weight workout.
Push-ups, squats, front stabilization, mountain climbers are just as important for developing healthy and strong muscles.
Pay attention to the diet
The penultimate piece of advice to get a perfect body is to pay attention to the diet: we try not to exceed with calories and do not leave out a fundamental ingredient such as proteins.
In fact, simply keeping calories under control is not enough. Reducing only the calorie intake can cause us to lose not only fat but also muscle mass. A diet rich in proteins that does not forget healthy fruits, vegetables and fats and includes low glycemic index carbohydrates (i.e. those that do not contain refined sugars and saturated fats) helps us to unblock the metabolism and reach an optimal body weight, avoiding the risk of regain the lost kilos.
Avoid stress
The last piece of advice can be summarized in: no stress! We don’t have to aim for a perfectly sculpted body at all costs, turning a wellness goal into a stressful obsession. Instead, we must go in search of the most suitable physical form for us. Furthermore, tension can drastically reduce the hormones needed to lose weight and recover muscles after a workout.
Breathing exercises and moments dedicated to meditation a
re ideal for reducing stress and maintaining a positive mood towards the goal you want to achieve.
These are the five things to do for a perfect physique. Of course it takes work and self-discipline, we are not saying that it will be easy to follow these rules. But the reward that awaits us will be the perfect physical fitness earned for us by experiencing wellness day after day.
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