How to use your Mac?
It is divided into three shortcuts. Cmd + shift + 3: take a screenshot of the whole screen and save it to the desktop. Cmd + shift + 4: launches a selection tool: draw an area and it will be capture
d then saved on the desktop. Press the space bar to take a single window to your desktop.
How to use F1 to F12 keys on Mac?
Hold down the Fn (Function) key on your keyboard to display F1 through F12 in the Touch Bar. You can also make function keys appear automatically when using specific applications: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Keyboard.
Does a Mac Need Antivirus?
There is no need for an antivirus on Mac, that’s the consensus, since viruses are .exe files that a Mac cannot read. And yet in 2012, at least 600,000 macs were infected with the flashback trojan, only a few months after the MacDefender malware.
Why are Macs better than PCs?
Unlike a Windows PC, the Mac doesn’t need an antivirus to run – it can’t take (or at least, much less) damage. The only possibility is by opening your email and clicking on unsavory links, but you can anticipate that!
How to organize documents on a Mac?
Click on the desktop, choose View> Organize By, then choose an option. If you want to control the layout of your files on the desktop yourself, choose the None option. You can always neatly organize the layout of your files at any time.
How to use pages on Mac?
In a word processing document, click the button and click Section, then select “Different left and right pages”. In a layout document, click the button, then select “Different left and right pages”
How to get started on Mac?
Either way, turn on your Apple computer for the first time and let it boot up quietly. The installation procedure is very simple. Follow the instructions and it should install Mac Os X on its own.
How do I activate the F1 to F12 keys?
Simultaneously press the Fn and Left Shift keys to activate Action Keys mode. When the Fn key light is on, you must press the Fn key to trigger the default action.
How to use the F keys on Mac?
Well, it’s very simple … Go to the system preferences, click on the Keyboard icon, then check the box “Use the keys F1, F2 and so on as standard function keys”.
How to program keys F1 to F12?
Go to “system preferences” -> “Keyboard and mouse” -> “Keyboard shortcuts”. One can find there for the keys F1 to F12 their current functions and one can assign new shortcuts to them even limiting it to certain applications.
How to do the F5 key?
1 answer. are you on a laptop? if so you certainly have an f5 key which is somehow coupled with another function and to use f5 either you press it or u first press the special key (usually fn) then the f5 key.
How to use F4 key on Mac?
Activate the Launchpad with the F4 key
Go to the system preferences.
Click on “Keyboard”
In the “Keyboard” tab, uncheck the option “Use F1 F2 keys and so on as standard function keys.