Most Frequently Asked Insurance Questions And Answers
What is the cheapest insurance for a young driver?
The cheapest auto insurance in a reinforced third party is offered by L’Olivier at € 264.39 per year (or € 22.05 / month). This offer corresponds to the cheapest comprehensive insurance on our comparator for this profile of young driver.
Why choose MAIF?
Solidarity, equality and probity: these are the values that guide MAIF on a daily basis. Its Marketing Director, Christine Mathé-Cathala (DESS Marketing, Paris I, 87) explains how this militant insurer asserts a committed marketing in an ultra competitive market.
Who can be insured at MAIF?
MAIF insures individuals and legal entities. The guarantees subscribed by the individual member benefit him and his family: The spouse, civil partnership or cohabitant of the member.
How do I know if I have a penalty?
How to know your bonus-malus?
every year, when sending your last due date notice. Your bonus-malus is then automatically mentioned on the document;
on your initiative, if you ask for your information statement. Your insurer must respond to your request within 15 days.
How to find home insurance?
Several options are available to you:
Using a home insurance comparator like is the best solution. …
Turn to an insurance broker, who can negotiate for you;
Contact a specialist insurance company for “canceled” profiles or for aggravated risks.
Documents to provide to purchase home insurance
a copy of your identity document;
a rib ;(copy of your lease contract)if you are a tenant;
proof of income for the last 6 months or the last tax notice (this is not systematic) if you are a tenant.
How to change home insurance?
If you are a tenant of your accommodation, you are obliged to have insurance and therefore you cannot cancel your contract without having new insurance. It will therefore be necessary to contact another insurer to take out a new contract, which will immediately take over from the terminated contract.
How to calculate an SMP in insurance?
SMP = 100% of the sums insured (including the adjustment clause if present). The fire SMP cannot be less than: – 40% of the sums insured if there is only one site. – 25% of total sums insured (all sites combined) and 40% of sums insured for the most important site.
What Risks Do Insurance Companies Cover for Businesses?
As its name suggests, professional multi-risk insurance covers most of the damage that companies may face: fire, theft, water damage, vandalism, broken glass, electrical damage, etc. and applies to construction companies, furniture, computer equipment, etc.
What is the role of a risk manager in an SME?
“The risk manager is responsible for helping the company identify strategic and operational risks. It contributes to the coverage and control of these risks in support of management, explains Chris
itine Ribes director of internal control, risk and audit at GrDF.
Why does the bank insure?
The banking establishments have decided to launch into the sale of auto, home and complementary health insurance products in order to generate additional recurring income and to cope with the erosion of their margins.
Why did you choose a BTS insurance?
The BTS Insurance. The BTS Insurance can be a springboard in order to enter the professional world with solid skills. But it is also a good way to continue your studies in order to professionalize yourself and acquire the best training.
What are the insurable risks?
The hazard is the main character of any insurance contract, and therefore defines the concept of insurable risk. The hazard can relate to the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event (for example theft), but also to the date of occurrence of a certain event (for example in death insurance).
How do you get a 50% bonus?
Before getting a 50% bonus. It is emphasized that 13 years of driving without responsible claims must be reached (at a rate of 5% reduction in the coefficient per year). But your insurer may also require 3 more years without an accident to benefit from this lifetime bonus.
The reduction of the penalty in a classic way
There is a possibility to reduce a bonus-malus coefficient: each year without loss makes it possible to reduce its coefficient by 5%. An opportunity that will not easily offset the 25% increase in a penalty.
How to lower the deductible?
Finally, be aware that it is possible to reduce the amount of your deductibles. For this, the mechanics are very simple. The more you increase your insurance premium (what you pay each month / year), the lower your deductible will be. Conversely, you can reduce your insurance premium by increasing your deductible.
What insurance for a car over 10 years old?
All-risk auto insurance is the most comprehensive insurance. It allows you to be compensated in the event of a responsible accident, glass breakage, theft, fire, or even natural disaster under the terms of your contract.
Why comprehensive insurance?
All-risk auto insurance allows you to be better protected in the event of an accident thanks to extended guarantees in addition to civil liability. An all-risk offer can therefore cover: Broken glass. Collision damage.
What is the average price for young driver insurance?
Car insurance for a young driver costs on average between 1,200 and 1,500 euros per year. It should be noted that an additional premium is systematically applied to young drivers, the lack of driving experience constituting in the eyes of all insurers an aggravation of the risk to be insured.
What is an authorized driver?
The occasional driver or additional driver is the person who drives the car from time to time and that on an irregular basis. … You will need to contact your auto insurer to inform them that there is an additional regular driver.
How do you know if you are insured for all drivers?
The only way to know if you can lend your wheel is to scrutinize the terms of your insurance contract.
How to calculate your penalty after an accident?
How the bonus malus calculation works:
To calculate it, we multiply the coefficient of the last loss by 1.25. Good to know: The maximum increase authorized by law is 3.50, i.e. + 350% on the reference contribution, in other words, the amount of insurance excluding calculation of the bonus malus.