What Is The Circumference Of The Earth?
Earth is the third planet in order of distance from the Sun and the fifth largest in the Solar System in terms of both mass and diameter. Moreover, it is the only celestial object known to harbor life.
Area: 510.1 million km²
Area: 148.9 million km²
Radius: 6,371 km
Distance from the Sun: 149.6 million km
Mass: 5.972 × 10 ^ 24 kg
Age: 4.543 billion years
Population: 7.674 billion (2019)
Most Frequently Asked Questions :
What is the exact circumference of the earth?
(( 40,000 kilometers
In 200 B.C. Eratosthenes-estimated Earth’s circumference at about ((46,250)) kilometerss (28,735 miles). Today we knows our planets circumferences is roughly 40,000 kilometers (24,850 miles).
How to calculate the circumference of the Earth?
The bematists found that the distance Syene-Alexandria was 5000 stadia of 157.5 m so about 787.5 km. Eratosthenes then finds the length of the circumference of the Earth: 39,375 km which is very close to reality. 360 ° gives (787.5 x 360) / 7.2 km.
What is the circumference of the earth today?
= 250,000 stages. A stage worth according to historians about 160m, the circumference of the earth calculated by Eratosthenes is therefore approximately equal to 40,000 km while the currently known circumference at the equator is 40,075 km!
What is the circle of the earth in km?
40,000 km
Since the globe is quite large, they divided the distance between the north pole and the equator into ten million and called the result a “meter”. It is therefore by definition that the circle of the Earth measures 40,000 km.
How to calculate the perimeter of the earth?
Let’s recap: the distance between two points separated by an angle of one fiftieth of a circle is 788 kilometers. It is therefore sufficient to multiply this distance by 50 to know the perimeter of the Earth. 788 x 50 = 39,400 kilometers.
What are the dimensions of the Earth?
510.1 million km²
Earth / Radius
what is the circumference of the earth in miles?
24,902 mi
what is the circumference of the earth at the equator?
40,075 km
what is the circumference of the earth in feet?
131.48 million′
what is the circumference of the earth in kilometers?
40,075 km
what is the circumference of the earth in inches?
1.5778 billion″