10 Tips For Beautiful Skin
So with all the external pressures such as dirt and sunlight or simply the stress of daily life, our skin does not always look as good as we like it all the time. Applying a light day cream does not guarantee a flawless skin texture. So how do you get a perfect spot? Here are 10 tips and tricks for having extraordinary light.
Choose a suitable routine
The daily fight against imperfection, is important and it is important to adapt your beauty to your skin type and your problems. The first thing to consider is whether you have acne, oily skin, or dry skin. We then focus on the details we want to fix: wrinkles, acne, sunburn … We then choose our cleaning product, serum and cream accordingly..
Our advice / good address: Go to Oh My Cream, in Paris, Lille, Lyon or Bordeaux to get a free skin diagnosis that will simplify your product search.
Practice facial massage
Keeping the epidermis healthy is reduced by bringing more tone. An effective way to relax the features, prevent wrinkles and brighten the complexion? Facial massage. When we apply our cream every morning, we use our thumbs to make the skin move from the inside to the outside of the bones. On the forehead and cheeks, light pressure is applied as small pins to revive the small spread.
Our best advice / address: Humble yourself for a moment of well-being with an effective facial massage process: which is ko bi do. It is available in hundreds of institutions including those of the Five Lands.
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Do not omit any zone
The skin does not age the same way in all areas of the face. Cupid’s eyes, neck or bow (between the nose and mouth) has thinner skin than any other area that needs the most attention. Be careful, don’t add extra cream to this area but a different and specific local product.
Our advice / good address: Bet on a massage accessory to apply your products to these sensitive areas: a power tool (like this Philips device) or a jade stone very trendy among beautistas at the moment.
Think about the scrub
To restore light to the skin, oil removal is essential. It removes dead cells and allows the dermis to regenerate properly. This “good skin” action that will be accepted once or twice a week should be in line with your skin type and its problems. However, as with its physical version, it is recommended for all!
Our advice / good address: treat yourself to a facial peel in an institute or at a cosmetic doctor. (The process similar to that of deeper exfoliation- allows skin to literally regain- a second youth). If you don’t have acne or scarring, choose a gentle intensity more suited to your needs.
Adapt your diet
the effect of food on the skin is well established. But amid the recurring clichés between friends and the advice given to grandmothers, we do not know where to turn. The first tip to follow is simple: drink plenty of water (and limit your consumption of alcohol as much as possible). As for refrigeration, eat raw vegetables in moderation because they contain important combinations of vitamins and minerals.
Our best tip / address: in the summer, we improve our consumption of foods rich in beta carotenes such as apricots, melons and red peppers. They will help keep the light on our skin and will even improve our texture.
Focus on natural methods
(Cosmetics are not only agents for beautiful-skin). Natural enthusiasts swear by a few clever ingredients that would work wonders for the beauty of the dermis. At (top of their list: vegetable oils). From hazelnut oil, olive oil to the (rarer) prickly pear seed oil, they would act as beauty masks on our face. Another exceptional ingredient: aloe vera. As a juice cure or pure gel, it moisturizes, softens and even allows you to plump!
Our advice / good address: Take a moment to meet the epidermologist Joëlle Ciocco for a consultation. This beauty guru will find the right natural methods to enhance your skin.
Use at night to heal your skin
When in the daytime, the skin responds above all to the external defenses … at night, it takes time to repair and repair itself! Studies show that the replication of epidermal cells works best at 1 in the morning. Night cream or mask, we get products that suit us best by testing it in a few weeks.
Our best advice / address:Clean your skin to perfection before applying your favorite overnight product. Our great address for making a nighttime serum?
Kiehl’s stores.
Protect your skin from the sun
in summer, the sun appears to have a marked roughness on the skin. But this is not the only season where we have to be wary. Throughout the year, the face should be protected with products containing active SPF. UV rays are actually very harmful to the skin and accelerate their aging. Obviously, we align protection with exposure but remember that it is very important.
Our advice / good address: Outside of holidays or having lunch in the sun on the terrace, we use makeup that contains light sun protection so as not to overload our skin with sun filters.
Don’t touch your buttons
It is the quintessential bad habit. When a pimple appears on our face and we start to grind it, we only risk adding additional bacteria. An infection can then start and the imperfection will take twice as long to disappear. Is this really what we want?
Our advice / good address: Is your skin particularly prone to repeated imperfections at the moment? Go to an institute that will be able to offer you a purifying facial treatment that is more effective than all the products that you can test at home. (The places tested / approved: (the Sisley spa.
Never miss the makeup removal step
Removing makeup is a step that should never be taken for granted! It allows the skin to breathe better without the accumulation of dirt accumulated during the day. In practice, it may be best to start with the eyes and mouth with a specific product (one of the most sensitive areas) and then finish the face. It is also recommended with a spritz of hot water at the end to remove the make-up.
On the texture side, find the one that suits your skin: gel or mousse for oily skin, oil or milk for others.
Our advice / good address: Forget micellar water, which should be used for troubleshooting rather than daily use.